Wednesday 24 May 2017

Create Azure AD App Registration with Microsoft Graph API and PowerShell

Update 29 Aug 2018:
This post used the beta endpoint of the Microsoft Graph which no longer seems to be working.

Please check out this post on how to Create an Azure AD App Registration using the Azure CLI 2.0:


In my previous post, we had a look at how to authenticate to the Microsoft Graph API in PowerShell. In this post, lets have a look at how we can use the Microsoft Graph REST API to create an Azure AD App registration.

You need to create an App Registration in Azure AD if you have code which needs to access a service in Azure/Office 365 or if you are using Azure AD to secure your custom application. If you have been working with Azure/Office 365 for a while, chances are that you already know this and have already created a few App Registrations.

I was working on an Office 365 project recently where we had some WebJobs deployed to an Azure Web App. These WebJobs processed some list items in SharePoint Online. So naturally, we needed to use an Azure AD app to grant the WebJobs access to SharePoint Online.

For deploying this application, we were using Azure ARM templates and executing them from PowerShell. With ARM templates, we were able to deploy the Resource Group, App Service Plan, and Web App for the WebJobs. But for creating the App Registration, the two options available to us were the New-​Azure​Rm​AD​Application cmdlet which is part of the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell or the /beta/applications endpoint which is part of the Microsoft Graph API.

We found that the New-​Azure​Rm​AD​Application cmdlet is limited in features compared to the Graph API endpoint. For example, you can create an App registration with the cmdlet but you cannot set which services the app has permissions on. For setting that, you need to use the Microsoft Graph API which has the full breadth of functionality. That is why going forward, the Microsoft Graph should be the natural choice for creating Azure AD app registrations.

The way we are going to create the app registration is by making a POST request to the /beta/applications endpoint. The properties of our Azure AD app such as it's Display Name, Identifier Urls, and Required Permissions will be POSTed in the body of the request as JSON.

(As you have probably noticed already, this endpoint is in beta right now. I will update this post once it is GA)

1) Getting the App Registration properties:

The JSON we will POST will be an object of type application resource. Instead of manually "hand crafting" the JSON, it is recommended to download it from the Azure AD manifest of the app registration. Here is how:

a) Manually create an app in Azure AD by going to Azure AD -> App Registrations -> New application registration 

b) Configure it as required. E.g. Set the display name, Reply Urls, the Required permissions and other properties needed for your app

c) Go to your app -> Click on Manifest and download the JSON

Once you have the required JSON, you can delete the manually created app. Going forward, when deploying to another tenant (or the same tenant again), you can just run the following PowerShell script and won't have to create an app registration manually again.

2) Creating the App Registration with Microsoft Graph API and PowerShell:

Here is the PowerShell script you will need to create the Azure AD App Registration. I should mention that the Directory.AccessAsUser.All scope is needed to execute the /beta/applications endpoint.

After the script is run, we can see that the Azure AD app registration was successfully created:

What is happening in the script is that we are using the Get-MSGraphToken function to get the access token for the Microsoft Graph with ADAL. Then using the token, we are making a POST request to the /beta/applications endpoint. The JSON posted to create the app is pretty self explanatory in terms of displayname, identifier urls and reply urls.

What is really interesting is the requiredResourceAccess property which, at first glance, seems to have some random GUIDs. But this is in fact the Required permissions needed for my app. This JSON specifies that my app needs the following permissions:

1) Office 365 SharePoint Online: Read and write items in all site collections 
2) Windows Azure Active Directory: Sign in and read user profile

Your app might need permissions to different services. Just configure the permissions manually as required and then download the JSON from the Manifest.

After the script is run, when I go to Azure AD, I can see that my app has been created and all required properties have been set:

3) Trusting the app:

We have automated the creation of the application but it still needs to be trusted. Fortunately or unfortunately, it is still a manual process to trust the application. If you want to trust the app for all users in the tenant click on the Grant Permissions button:

Or if your application needs to be trusted by each user individually, you can skip this step. The user will be presented with a consent screen when they land on the application.

4) Troubleshooting with Fiddler:

If you have any errors while running the script, you can use Fiddler to determine the exact error being returned by the Microsoft Graph. I found it really helpful myself:

PowerShell would give me this:

But then I was able to get the real error from Fiddler:

Hope you found this post useful. Thanks for reading!

Monday 22 May 2017

Authenticating to the Microsoft Graph API in PowerShell

In this post, lets have a look at how we can authenticate to the Microsoft Graph REST API through PowerShell. There are a few examples already available online but either they refer to old endpoints or they present the user with a login prompt to enter a username and password before authentication.

A few other examples ask for a client id to be submitted with the authentication request. You can get this client id when you register a new app in Azure AD. But what if you don't want to create an app registration? You already have a username and password, so creating a new Azure AD application just for authentication seems redundant.

Fortunately, there is way to authenticate to the Microsoft Graph API without any login prompts and without the need to create an explicit Azure AD application.

To avoid using any login prompts, we will use the AuthenticationContext.AquireToken method from the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL).

To avoid creating a new Client Id and Azure AD application, we will use a well know Client Id reserved for PowerShell: 1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2 This is a hard coded GUID known to Azure AD already.

Here are the steps we are going to do:

1) Make sure we have the username and password of a user in Azure AD
2) Use the username, password and PowerShell client id to get an access token from ADAL.
2) Use the access token to call the Microsoft Graph REST API.

Before going ahead, make sure you have the Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll on your machine. If you have been working with Office 365/Azure PowerShell, chances are you have this already. If not, you can get it from a number of places. You can use the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets to get a hold of it: or you can use nuget to download it:

And here is the PowerShell script to authenticate the Microsoft Graph:

Running this script gets the current user from the /v1.0/me endpoint:

Thanks for reading!

Friday 12 May 2017

Getting the current context (SPHttpClient, PageContext) in a SharePoint Framework Service

I have briefly written about building SPFx services (using ServiceScopes) in my previous post, SharePoint Framework: Org Chart web part using Office UI Fabric, React and OData batching

In this post, lets have a more in-depth look at how to actually get the current SharePoint context in your service, without passing it in explicitly.

All the code used in this post is available on GitHub:

Building an SPFx service using ServiceScopes:

Suppose you want to create a service which you want to call from multiple SPFx webparts. The idea is that the code of your service should load on the page only once even if multiple web parts using the same service are added to the page. There is already some great information out there on building such kind of service in SPFx so I won't repeat it here. Have a look:

Share data through a SharePoint Framework service

Building shared code in SharePoint Framework - revisited

I myself have been working on building an SPFx service as an npm package and then using it in a webpart:

But before you go ahead and start using ServiceScopes to build your SPFx service, have a read through this Tech Note from the SPFx team:

To summarise, it is recommended to consider other alternatives first before using ServiceScopes. Other alternatives include explicitly passing in dependencies like SPHttpClient in the constructor of your service, or if your service has multiple dependencies, then build a class which has all the dependencies as properties and then pass an object of the class to your service's constructor.

While these recommendations would work in some scenarios, they might not be viable in all conditions. If you are building your service as an npm package, passing in the current context every time you want to use the service might be very burdensome. Ideally, your service should be able to determine all the information about the current context on its own. So lets have a look in this post on how do to that.

Quick note before moving ahead: Building library packages in SPFx is currently not available but it is on the roadmap. It would be nice to see the "build a library" option in the SPFx Yeoman generator. The UserVoice link for this request is here:

In this post, to keep things simple, I am going to build my service in the same package as my SPFx webpart. The idea is to demonstrate the concept of using ServiceScopes to get the current context. It would work exactly the same if the service was part of a different SPFx package. If you want to have a look at how this works, have a look at my github repo here:

Getting the current context in an SPFx service:

Now that you have decided to build an SPFx service using ServiceScopes, lets have a look at how to get the current context in your service without passing it in explicitly.

First, you need to build a service which accepts a ServiceScope object in the constructor. This is the only dependency your service will need. Also, you will not need to explicitly pass in this dependency. SharePoint Framework will handle this for you.

Here is my code for the service:

Now lets have a look at what is going on in the code:

First, we are importing the SPHttpClient class from the @microsoft/sp-http package and the PageContext class from the @microsoft/sp-page-context package.

These classes expose their own ServiceKeys, so in the constructor of our service, we are using those keys to grab an instance of these classes. These instances of classes will already be initialised thanks to the ServiceScope.whenFinished and ServiceScope.consume methods. We can then use the instances in the methods of our class.

Using the current web url to initialise PnP-JS-Core :

Just as an example, you could use the initialised PageContext object to get the current web url and pass it to the PnP JS library. This can be useful if you want to get lists in the current web:

Consuming the service:

Now you have built your service, it is time to consume it from your SPFx web part. It is very straightforward, you just have to instantiate an object of your class using the ServiceScope.consume method and your are good to go. I am using async/await just to keep things simple, but using Promise.then will also work here:

Have a look at the complete code in this post here:

Thanks for reading! Hope you have found this post helpful.